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Learner personas and empathy mapping lay the foundation to a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)-driven learner experience design (LXD). With a thorough analysis of the learner population, comes the ability to generate human-centered LXD solutions.
Alignment of the objectives, activities, and assessments with empathy maps results in a learner-centered design that is effective, inclusive and empowering. Specific requirements (e.g., DOE RSI, QM) are applied and documented.
Learning content, activities and assessments must adhere to WCAG standards and prioritize:
Bringing the DEIB-driven design to life. The three parts to originate include the following:
Wellness is more than thorough quality assurance checks, it includes an additional layer of DEIB review to ensure the effective, inclusive and empowering learning experience.
Testing and measuring the performance of the design by analyzing various forms of qualitative and quantitative data provides valuable insights to inform iteration of the design.
Reflection combines evaluation data with unexpected, new perspectives of empathy gained from observation and learner engagement. at Stanford University. (2018). Design thinking bootleg.
Gamrat, C., Ozkan Bekiroglu, S., & Tiwari, S. (2022, March 10). Inclusive addie: Initial considerations for Dei pedagogy. EDUCAUSE Review.
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2nd edition). ASCD.
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